The Demogorgon is a thoughtless predator ruled by a voracious appetite and is in constant pursuit of prey. Let’s take a closer look at these monsters in the TMF so that we have a fighting chance to return them to the Upside-Down-right where they belong.

In other words, these NTFs introduce danger into your TMF like the Demogorgon imperils Hawkins and we bet there are at least a few monstrous NTFs in your TMF right now. As we’ve discussed before, writing an NTF is almost always the wrong decision, as it commonly takes attention away from solving a TMF quality problem and often produces more regulatory risk than no action at all.
Stranger things 3 monster trial#
A note to file is a document, taking the form of a memo, filed in the TMF that attempts to explain a discrepancy in trial conduct. Unfortunately, the monsters of Stranger Things have an equivalent in the world of the TMF: the note to file (or NTF). Their unnoticed rise, shocking reveal, and suspicious downfall punctuate each season and keep us engaged until the creepy conclusion. Each of these monsters come from the same evil but threaten the heroes of Stranger Things in their own supernatural way. Most of all, Stranger Things is known for its monsters: the Demogorgon, a demon with a mouth as its face the Mind Flayer, a skyscraper-sized, spider-like monster comprised of darkness and shadow and Venca, the scarred and distorted human turned undead wizard. The Netflix series Stranger Things is known for showcasing 80s’ films, pop culture, science fiction, and horror-all with a generous sprinkling of Dungeons and Dragons.